Venes Consulting Inc



+1 972 994 6855


Strategic Multi Sourcing Advisory Services


Our Strategic Multisourcing Advisory Services is based on principle that our clients should leverage all sourcing options that are available in the market place based on their unique business needs and drivers.

Insource or Outsource, onshore, nearshore, or offshore, China or India or East Europe, Standard procurement or strategic sourcing, contract negotiations or contract administration, our strategic Multisourcing advisory services is based on principle that our clients should leverage all sourcing options that are available in the market place based on their unique business needs and drivers. We are not rigidly attached to any one form of sourcing solution because we understand businesses operate in a globally competitive /environment that is driven by global competition and unique business philosophies – probably long standing commitments to employees, partners, and communities that they operate in. So solutions are designed to optimize our clients tends to be as unique as what distinguishes their business in the marketplace.

Aligned with business drivers and Augment market positioning goals and optimized for maximum overall impact.

What we offer

Our comprehensive sourcing framework approach seeks to understand first. Not just at the surface but the underlying business drivers, organizational maturity, and available relevant market options. So our solutions are aligned with business drivers, augmented for your market goals, and optimized for maximum overall business impact.

We fundamentally believe sourcing decisions cannot continue to be made in isolation, driven by cost or contract considerations alone, devoid of clear understanding of long term impact to their organization at various levels. Our focus is to help ensure that our clients while making strategic, operational, or tactical decisions, have a clear understanding of choices available to them and relevant trade-offs, so their decisions are deliberate and can deliver measurable results.


Venes helps you leverage sourcing as an integral component of your strategy and avoid a piecemeal approach to sourcing decisions. We help you:


Having determined the right services delivery model, Venes helps position current services against internal and external alternatives andz


Venes helps you plan, communicate and execute the organizational change required by the new services delivery model and:


Our Address

1401 N. Central Expressway, #230, Richardson, TX 75080

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+1 925 302 9423

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